Taken from the book by Prof. Gaetano Fichera “On internal factors in the development of tumors and current essays on biological therapy” – Hoepli editions, 1938.
Sunday 24 November 2024 – Exmà (Library Hall) – Cagliari
from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm
Participation fee: €20.00
In collaboration with Orientare srl, Exmà Municipal Center and the Municipality of Cagliari.
There are rare and precious books that some scholars rediscover among dusty, forgotten, hidden shelves. Sometimes these books provide us with important information, the result of studies that should not be part of Man’s contemporary heritage of knowledge, for various reasons.
Declassified in 2019 by the National Study Group and re-examined in light of today’s scientific knowledge, the text provides very precise guidelines for the prevention of the onset of tumors even in metastases. Thanks to nutritional biological therapies, the Italian Cancer Institute regressed and completely cured 1300 cases of inoperable metastatic tumors.
The presentation of the contents of the text, applied, will be conducted by Dr. Alessandro Govoni in a conference/workshop that will provide participants with fundamental elements for understanding the mechanisms underlying tumors and the various types of actions identified by Prof. Fichera for their regression, in addition to the socio-political causes that determined their secretion.
The workshop is divided into 7 modules:
- History of the studies of the Italian Tumor Institute: how they were classified and how they came to be known
The studies of the Italian Tumor Institute of the 1930s on the complete regression of tumors already in metastasis through biological-nutritional therapy, were put under secret with copyright in 1944 by the German private scientific police (Gestapo), because they did not generate business. - Analysis of the studies of William Horatio Bates, a Jewish ophthalmologist, on sight without glasses
- Analysis of Leonardo’s studies on beneficial herbs, on facial nerve massages to overcome gravity, on skin care to keep Beatrice d’Este always beautiful
- Vitamins, mineral supplements and omega 3
What are the good vitamins, the two essential and irreplaceable vitamins against skin atrophy, the mineral, amino acid and vitamin needed to darken hair, what are the good mineral supplements, the two essential and irreplaceable amino acids for humans, and what are the good omega 3 (fatty acids). - The patch in preparation that overcomes the resistance of sebum and regenerates the skin in depth, from Leonardo’s studies then applied by the Russians with those burned by the radiation of Chernobyl
- Disinfectant physical exercises by the athletic trainer of Parma football club, winner in Europe in 1993-1995, and of the Italian national football team, which came in second at the 1994 World Cup.
- The mRNA vaccination, already known in the 30s, how they managed to eliminate its negative effects
Biography of Prof. Gaetano Fichera
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Sapienza University of Rome in 1903. He held the chair of Surgical Pathology in Cagliari until 1921, when he moved to Messina and the University of Pavia. In 1928 he took over the management of the “Vittorio Emanuele III” National Institute for the study and treatment of cancer in Milan. He formulated a personal pathogenetic theory of tumors by drawing up the principles of a biological therapy, which he defined as “histogenic chemotherapy of tumors”. His numerous clinical and experimental works on the etiopathogenesis of tumors earned him important recognition, including the gold medal of the Italian Society of Sciences. He was a corresponding member of the Medical Academy of Rome; of the Lancisiana Society of the Hospitals of Rome; of the Association of the Cultist of Medical and Natural Sciences; vice president 1909 of the Italian Society of Surgery; secretary in the 1906 Congress; speaker of the 1909 meeting; member of the Italian Society of Pathology; of the Italian Society for the Advancement of Science; of the Orthopedic Society; of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, of the Internationale Nomen Klatur Kommission des Krebses.
In Sardinia, Prof. Fichera is particularly remembered for having founded and coached, since 1920, the football team Cagliari Football Club with founding members Antonio Colomo, Guido Costa, Manlio Cottiglia, Francesco Falqui, Giacomo Fiorentino, Natale Illario, Enrico Nonnoi, Carlo Papi, Giacomo Puddu and Antonino Zedda. In the first Cagliari Calcio team he fielded many university students from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Cagliari, and the shirts worn by the players were white, recalling the colour of hospital gowns.