
25 > 28 July 2024 - Lazzaretto Sant'Elia | Cagliari


The Neanche Gli Dei Festival places all its attention on respecting the dictates established in the Green Procurement for Events, or in the NATIONAL ACTION PLAN ON GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (PANGPP) developed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition on 02/12/2022.
The methods of applying the aforementioned principles, as listed below, are an integral part of the civic sense and environmental responsibility that belongs to us and that we want to convey to our public.

  • Energy

    We reduce energy consumption by using low-consumption LED lighting systems and using energy produced by photovoltaic systems present in the operational headquarters.

  • Separate waste collection and recycling

    All waste production, in every production phase, is collected separately to be subsequently recycled as much as possible. Inside the Festival area you will find an ecological island, made with colored bins that will help you even in the darkest hours, to track down the right bin for your recycling.

  • Eco-friendly supplies

    Our merchandising (Festival Bags) is made of 100% eco-cotton. Plates, glasses, cutlery that you will find inside the Festival premises are made of recycled corn and are reintegrated into the natural environment, without waste. We do not encourage the use of plastic water bottles, for this reason we encourage the public to use water bottles.

  • Workshops, installations, activities

    All the workshops, secondary and collateral activities, and the activities on the territory that we carry out are oriented towards an eco-oriented behavior such as recycling, renewable energy, creative cleaning of natural environments.

  • Sustainable and collective transport

    We promote the use of electric and collective means of transport during events. We activate promotional incentives for the public who will reach the Festival venues using public transport, car sharing, electric vehicles and bicycles instead of transport by private car or motorcycle. For those arriving by bicycle at the Festival spaces, a rack for parking bicycles will be made available.

  • Local products - Zero-mile

    The project promotes and privileges the consumption of local and zero-mile products in the food and wine section, favoring organic and biological products.