TUMORS – The Unrevealed Discoveries

25 > 28 Luglio 2024 - Lazzaretto Sant'Elia | Cagliari

TUMORS – The Unrevealed Discoveries

The Neanche Gli Dei Literary Festival
LOST & FOUND – Forgotten books returned to the present

TUMORI – The unrevealed Discoveries
Conference/Workshop by Dr. Alessandro Govoni

Taken from the book by Prof. Gaetano Fichera “On internal factors in the development of tumors and current essays on biological therapy” – Hoepli editions, 1938

Sunday, November 24, 2024
Exmà (Library Hall) – Cagliari
from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00

Participation fee: €20.00

In collaboration with Orientare srl, Exma’ Municipal Center and the Municipality of Cagliari.

There are rare and precious books that some scholars rediscover among dusty, forgotten, hidden shelves. Sometimes these books provide us with important information, the result of studies that should not be part of Man’s contemporary heritage of knowledge, for various reasons.

Declassified in 2019 by the National Study Group and re-examined in light of today’s scientific knowledge, the text provides very precise guidelines for the prevention of the onset of tumors even in metastases. Thanks to nutritional biological therapies, the Italian Cancer Institute regressed and completely cured 1300 cases of inoperable metastatic tumors.

The presentation of the contents of the text, applied, will be conducted by Dr. Alessandro Govoni in a conference/workshop that will provide participants with fundamental elements for understanding the mechanisms underlying tumors and the various types of actions identified by Prof. Fichera for their regression, in addition to the socio-political causes that determined their secretion.

For more information and reservations please refer to the event page here

Alessandro Dr. Govoni: historian, researcher, popularizer, member of the Study Group on Listed Companies (100 thousand members). Doctor of Economics and Commerce with a focus on legal and banking. Technical consultant of the Court of Cremona in banking and financial matters from 2013 to 2019 at no. 628. AssoCTU in banking and financial matters, Rome. Member of the Board and expert ARIL (Associazione Rete Informazione Legalità); Member of Adusbef; Non-partisan and independent consultant of the Finance Commission, Rome. Consultant from 2015 to 2018 of Hon. Alessio Mattia Villarosa, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, since 2020 he has been working as a C.O.N.I. recognized sports nutritionist instructor.