The financial system, and the mechanisms through which the system of modern slavery not perceived by common sense was built.
The works focus on the purposes of globalist political control through money issued in debt, and the occult activities of central banks and large investment banks; how to understand and recognize the political direction that has managed to chain nations and peoples through the non-invisible hand of the WEF (World Economic Forum). The works will develop along 5 main lines:
- The FED and the necessity of wars.
- Central banks and the creation of debt money: the significant example of quantitative easing.
- International institutions after the Breton Woods agreements: World Bank and International Monetary Fund, cui prodest?
- Big investment funds and the shielding of the world’s Great Assets: who ‘commands’ the boards of multinationals?
- The totalitarianism of the big multinational financial corporations: the use of derivatives to create money and significant control of the value of gold.
At the end of the works, the project of world financial revolution in a quantum sense will be illustrated. The workshop will take place on Sunday 28 July 2024 and will last 2 hours from 16:30 to 18:30.
Registration fee: 15 euros per person All those interested in participating can fill out the form below with the requested data; they will then receive an email from us with instructions for paying the participation fee.