From child to woman

25 > 28 Luglio 2024 - Lazzaretto Sant'Elia | Cagliari

Tue, 08 Oct 2024 h 09:30

Flumini Library - Via Mar Ligure snc (next to schools) | Quartu Sant'Elena

From child to woman

Menstrual education workshop

To prepare girls (and mothers and fathers) for the arrival of their first menstruation, and to accompany young women in the path of awareness of their menstrual cycle. To educate about the beauty of female cyclicity.

«The value we place on menstruation is closely related to the value we place on ourselves as women.» (Lara Owen)

The arrival of the first menstruation is often still today a place of embarrassment, shame, taboo. Girls experience the ambivalence between the expectation and the joy that this moment reserves and on the other hand they breathe the disvalue, which is experienced almost as a cross to bear and suffer as belonging to the female sex. In fact, on the one hand it sanctions the entry into the world of women, being grown up, on the other it carries the weight of a phenomenon still little explained, little passed down through female knowledge from mother to daughter, which shows only the side of pain, embarrassment, annoying nuisance compared to the rhythms of society. Fortunately, most mothers (not all), today announce the arrival of menarche to their daughters in advance, this ensures that the fear and inadequacy related to the total lack of information on this subject is avoided. Despite this, the explanations provided by mothers usually end up in a rather hasty and hasty way and knowledge remains tied to the pure practical act, missing all the positive aspects of being women, of how our body works, of how we can help ourselves to feel good.

We women are cyclical, tied to the moon, “lunatic” precisely, it means being always different, always new, unstable, vulnerable even. The rhythms of nature are always cyclical seasons lunar phases, nothing is static! However, menstruation is associated with apparently only negative aspects: physical and emotional discomfort. But from pain we can get to the resource, to power. the enormous power of feeling the gift of generating life, but not only that, also new ideas, projects, wisdom and strength. Being able to know our body and how we are made, how we function, our menstrual cycle, the physical dimension and the energetic spiritual dimension linked to it, are a huge opportunity to enjoy our cyclical nature and fully benefit from being a woman.

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