Luigi Marcello Monsellato

A physician-surgeon, psychologist and psychotherapist, he has worked for more than 20 years in the Institute of Behavioral Dynamics in Ferrara, as Deputy Director and Head of the Medical Section. An expert in Biotherapeutic Medicines, Acupuncture, Homotoxicology and Homeopathy, he is a lecturer in private and university training courses; participates in scientific experimental work and collaborates with specialized journals. In 1992 he developed a new diagnostic and therapeutic approach and founded the Academy of Homeosynergy, which trains Doctors and Therapists. Since 2019, he has been a Signaling Physician and is on the board of AMPAS. President of SIM, Italian Society of Medicine for Freedom of Care and Therapy, he is the author of numerous books and treatises, both popular and scientific on the disease.

VIRUS, SONS OF A YOUNGER GOD (Uno Editori, 2022) offers a different reading of viral disease as a source of important changes in human society and an opportunity to detoxify ourselves, strengthen our immune system and how the disease hides within itself an important message of growth and analysis of the socio-cultural and environmental context.

Scheduled for Saturday, July 30, 2022 8 p.m.